Terms and Conditions

We will never share your details with any organisation outside of the Australian Acting Academy (and Inspired Transformation Institute Trust for which the Academy is the Trustee) for marketing purposes.

*Disclaimer: The only time your details will be shared with an outside organisation is in line with the Covid tracing requirements. Your contact information may be shared with venues for the purpose of contact tracing only. Information is being collected under the Queensland Chief Health Officer’s Restrictions on Businesses, Activities and Undertakings Direction (No.3). Your personal information will be stored securely and destroyed by any organisation holding your attendance information after 56 days, unless otherwise required by public health officials in the event of a Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. It will NOT be used for marketing or research purposes, given or sold to third parties.
At this stage only students attending the West End classes have their details shared routinely with St Laurence’s College for the above mentioned purpose only.

These terms and conditions cover all Australian Acting Academy activities including classes, workshops, camps, events and any other activity. By agreeing to these terms and conditions you understand that one of the exciting aspects of training at the Australian Acting Academy is that we work with film and online content eg Zoom. As part of the Australian Acting Academy classes, workshops, camps and activities, you understand that video and photographic material of your child/ren may be taken. This material may be made available on YouTube and other social media for all participants and parents (and in some cases the public) to see. Images may also be used on our web page and promotional material. It is a condition of attending any Australian Acting Academy activity that image use consent is provided for all children attending.
Under no circumstances are students or parents to share Zoom links with anyone.
You must also have read and understood our Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Policy and shared it with your children. It can be read here: Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Policy


Privacy awareness is not just about protecting your own privacy, but also the privacy of others. It is not only a right; it is a responsibility.
We all have access to information about our friends and families and we need to teach kids that sharing personal details can have a negative impact on others. Before posting something about another person we should stop and ask:
Do I have their permission?
Is this information private?
Is it sensitive?
Is it necessary for me to share it?

Purpose and Rational

Purpose: To inform all members of our community about the use of mobile phones and computers at the Australian Acting Academy by students.
1. The Australian Acting Academy recognises that mobile phones and online technology are an important delivery platform and communication tool and the widespread ownership of mobile phones (and similar devices such as tablets and iPods) among students requires that administrators, teachers, students, and parents take steps to ensure that such devices are used responsibly at the Academy – both online and in face to face classes. This Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Policy is designed to ensure that potential issues involving mobile phones, computers and online technology can be clearly identified and addressed, ensuring the benefits that these provide (such as increased safety and flexibility in delivery) can continue to be enjoyed by our students.
2. The Australian Acting Academy accepts that parents give their children mobile phones to protect them from everyday risks involving personal security and safety and online applications allow for flexible delivery of acting content and class. Parents may also be concerned about children travelling alone on public transport or commuting to the face to face classes. It is acknowledged that providing a child with a mobile phone gives parents reassurance that they can contact their child if they need to speak to them urgently.
3. The Australian Acting Academy has established this Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Policy for mobile phones, computers and online applications that provides teachers, students and parents guidelines and instructions for the appropriate use of devices during face to face and online classes.
4. Students, their parents or guardians are invited to read and familiarise themselves with the Acceptable Use Policy if students intend to bring mobile devices to dance class.
5. The Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Policy for mobile devices, computers and online applications applies to students during all Australian Acting Academy activities including online programs, face to face classes, holiday workshops and camps.
Responsibilities – Students and Parents
1. Students and their parents or guardians should read and understand the Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Policy before students are permitted to join the Academy online program.
 2. It is the responsibility of students to abide by the guidelines outlined in this Policy.
3. Parents should be aware if their child takes a mobile phone (or other mobile device) to the face to face classes and/or participates in online classes.
4. Mobile phones or other computer/mobile devices should not be used in any manner or place that is disruptive to the normal routine of the classes.
5. Students should not use mobile phones to make calls, send text messages, access the internet, take photos or use other applications during lesson time or while engaged in other activities such as warm-up or performance. Students should restrict use of their mobile phone to after class.
6. While at the Academy both online and in person (and only during appropriate times) students should generally use soundless features such as text messaging, answering services, call diversion and vibration alert to receive important calls to avoid distracting others engaged in learning activities.
7. Mobile phones must not disrupt classes with ringtones or beeping. Except when mobile devices are being used as part of the lesson plan or with the express permission of a teacher, they should be placed into “silent mode” and kept out of sight during acting class and activities to minimise distractions.
8. Texting (except where it forms part of the lesson plan) is a distraction and is not permitted while students are engaged in learning activities.
9. Mobile devices are not to be used in any situation that may cause embarrassment or discomfort to their fellow students, staff or visitors to the Academy.
10. Students are reminded to protect their phone numbers by only giving them to close friends and family. It may help younger students to keep a note of who they have given their phone number to. This can help protect the student’s number from falling into the wrong hands and guard against cyber-bullying.
11. Using mobile and computer devices to bully (also known as cyberbullying) and threaten other students is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. In some cases it can constitute criminal behaviour.
12. Students and parents are reminded that it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace, harass or offend another person and almost all calls, text messages and emails can be traced.
13. Mobile phones or other mobile devices must not be used to take photos/video of any other student or teacher without their consent. It is also prohibited to upload photos/video of other students/teachers to social media websites or email photos/videos to others if doing so would embarrass, humiliate or cause discomfort to the subject of the photo/video. Consent by each person in a photo must always be gained before sharing.
14. In face to face classes, workshops and camps, mobile phones and computer devices are not to be used in toilets or changing rooms.
Sanctions/Consequences of unacceptable/inappropriate use
1. Students using mobile devices, computers and/or online applications to bully other students will face disciplinary action as sanctioned by the Director.
2. Students who infringe the guidelines and rules set out in this Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Policy could face having their devices confiscated by teachers and/or access to online programs revoked.
3. Repeated infringements may result in the withdrawal of the agreement to allow the student to attend classes.
4. Failure to heed the rules set out in this Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Policy may result in an alleged incident being referred to the police for investigation. In such cases, the parent or guardian would be notified immediately.

Theft or damage
1. To avoid disputes and assist in finding owners, younger students may want to mark their mobile device clearly with their names or an identifying sticker. All students are advised to have their name and another contact number stored on the phone so that it can be more easily returned if lost.
2. Students who bring a mobile device to the Academy are to leave it locked away in their bag when they arrive to prevent loss or theft. To reduce the risk of theft, students who carry mobile devices or computers are advised to treat them as carefully as they would their wallet or purse.
3. Mobile devices and computers that are found at the classes and whose owner cannot be located should be handed to the class teacher or receptionist.
4. The Australian Acting Academy accepts no responsibility for replacing lost, stolen or damaged mobile devices.
5. The Australian Acting Academy accepts no responsibility for students who lose or have their mobile devices stolen while travelling to and from the classes.
 6. It is strongly advised that students use passwords/pin numbers to ensure that unauthorised phone calls cannot be made on their phones (eg by other students, or if stolen). Students must keep their password/pin numbers confidential. Mobile devices and/or passwords should not be shared.
7. If a mobile phone is lost or stolen, parents and students are advised to report the loss/theft to their mobile carrier so that they can de-activate the SIM card and block the mobile phone from use across all networks. Blocking a lost/stolen phone will make it unusable to anyone else within Australia.

These terms and conditions cover all Australian Acting Academy activities including classes, workshops, camps, events and any other activity. By agreeing to these terms and conditions you understand that one of the exciting aspects of training at the Australian Acting Academy is that we work with film. As part of the Australian Acting Academy classes, workshops and activities, you understand that video and photographic material of your child/ren may be taken. This material may be made available on YouTube and other social media for all participants and parents (and in some cases the public) to see. Images may also be used on our web page and promotional material. It is a condition of attending any Australian Acting Academy activity that image use consent is provided for all children attending.

As part of the Australian Acting Academy term fees, the Academy guarantees to run a minimum of 8 weeks per term. Some terms may also be longer. We do not charge extra when this is the case. If you start late in the term and will be joining us for less than 8 weeks please call us to discuss your term fees. The Academy does not provide a refund when students are unable to make a class. You are welcome to attend another of our locations in that week to make the class up if appropriate. Term fees are to be paid as per the enrolment offer or if manually enrolled by week two of that term or by prior arrangement. To create an even greater sense of unity and belonging, all students wear a uniform to class. This is at an additional cost of $30 as a once off fee in their first term. 

The information, terms and conditions and consent provided in this form applies to all Australian Acting Academy activities and events.
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