Early Learning & Daycare Programs

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The Australian Acting Academy develop bespoke programs for early-learning centres that use the expressive arts to enhance the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. 

Children have a strong sense of identity 

Through character creation, self devised stories, and physical theatre providing opportunities for self reflection, to develop healthy emotional expression.

Children are connected with and contribute to their world

Telling and engaging with multicultural stories and books, plus games from around the world.

Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Multimedia through use of green screen, video, still images and voice recordings of the children invites learners to not only express their ideas, but to build self esteem by viewing their creations.

 Children are confident and involved learners

Nothing teaches confidence more than the experiential learning of the expressive arts. Our programs can be tied into any theme, as a way to enhance all learning.

Children are effective communicators

Imaginative play, storytelling and story-creating require strong listening skills and cognitive feedback from students. These reflective practices increase literacy and equally, if not more importantly, oral communication skills. 
Through storytelling, children gain a unique understanding of cultural perspectives from all areas of the world. It promotes a strong sense of identity and provides opportunities for them to strengthen their communication skills through both verbal language and body cues. 

How do we work with your centre?

At the Australian Acting Academy, we believe in working alongside you to create a program that serves your children's needs. Providing a program that is both rich with experiences and outcomes for the children, and flexible enough to meet the ever changing needs of the centre and the children.
It all starts with a phone call or email to us, so we can discuss your needs, and we will tailor make activities to suit them. Here are just a few to start your imagination going, but remember this is in no way an exhaustive list. If you want it, our team of coaches will be able to make it happen.

Learning experiences that link to kindergarten age children include:
  • Storytelling using story books
  • Story creation/helicopter stories 
  • Imaginative play; imagination trip storytelling and reflecting back 
  • Imagination trail/Terrain walk; children taken on an imaginative adventure
  • Character development; change the body, add the costume, create a character
  • Creative movement; expressive movements like making machines with our bodies
  • Exploration of sound and voice; soundscaping real creatures, objects and emotive tones
  • Green screen and creative play; imagine playing as if you are under the ocean and seeing yourself under the ocean
  • Green screen and character development; adding place and context to character  
  • Mini-film and digital storybooks; multi-media recordings of images, video and voice.


We'll just grab some details in the form below and one of our team will be in touch asap! 

Prefer to chat? 

Feel free to call us on 0412 728 628 any time and we'd love to talk through any questions you may have or help you build a program suitable for your centre.
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