Jul 19 / Brendan Glanville

How to Build True Confidence in Your Child: A Guide to a Better Life for Your Child

As parents of 7-17-year-olds who enjoy performing, we often find ourselves immersed in the fascinating (and sometimes confusing) world of drama and performance. We witness our children transforming into characters, embracing their emotions, and bringing stories to life on stage. In the realm of acting and beyond, there is a valuable life lesson to be learned – actions speak louder than words.

As parents, we can use this powerful mantra to guide our children on a path to true confidence in both their acting endeavours and their lives.


#Create | #Innovate | #Learn | #Perform| #Imagine

Our classes, workshops and camps are the perfect place to cultivate your child's confidence and creativity.
Confidence is often mistakenly seen as being loud, however true confidence is actually understanding when to speak and when to listen. By teaching our young actors to communicate through their actions, we empower them to convey emotions authentically, even in silence. This skill translates to everyday life, allowing them to handle challenging situations with poise and grace. It also helps them break the sometimes destructive habit of filling a void with noise.

When our kids and teens exude true confidence, they naturally carry themselves with a presence that opens doors for them as they grow older. Their self-assured demeanour becomes a magnet, attracting positive opportunities and connections. Whether in school, social circles, or future careers, confidence sets the stage for success.

The trick is to ensure that your child is surrounded by people who support them on their journey to self-assurance by fostering an environment that encourages them to embrace their unique qualities. Encourage them to take risks and explore their emotions, guiding them to understand the power of body language and non-verbal cues.

This term at the AAA, we will have fun and cultivate a "Show Don't Tell" approach in our young acting students, equipping them with the tools to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and grace. As they learn to trust in their abilities, they will confidently embrace opportunities that come their way, leaving a lasting impression on those they encounter. Ultimately, their journey through acting will not only shape them as performers but also as individuals who are poised to make a positive impact on the world.
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